Renal Fibrosis – Unilateral Ureteric Obstruction (UUO)-Induced Renal Fibrosis


The experimental Unilateral Ureter Obstruction (UUO)-induced renal fibrosis model of obstructive nephropathy allows insight into the development of interstitial fibrosis which is a common characteristic of many chronic nephropathies. Important markers of renal fibrosis, such as interstitial fibroblasts, interstitial volume, mRNA and protein expression for collagen I, are all increased in UUO animals, making the UUO model a good experimental system for studying fibrosis. At BioModels, disease is induced when UUO is performed by ligating the ureter below the left kidney of a mouse on Day 0. In order to assess the development of disease, the kidneys are removed (for histological assessment of fibrosis) and blood is collected between day 7 and 14.

Model Systems
  • C57Bl/6 Mice
Standard Readouts
  • Percent weight change
  • Kidney weight
  • Terminal histopathology and/or IHC analyses
  • Kidney collagen content
  • Blood chemistry
Additional Readouts
  • Immunophenotyping
  • Custom assays
Representative DataClick Image to Enlarge
Kidney Weights in UUO-Induced Renal Fibrosis

The UUO procedure is performed on C57Bl/6 mice on Day 0 and kidneys are collected and weighed at the specified endpoint. (***p<0.001 compared to the contralateral-control kidney).

Kidney Histology in UUO-Induced Renal Fibrosis

The UUO procedure is performed on C57Bl/6 mice on Day 0 and kidneys are collected for histopathology assessment in H&E-stained sections. Day 10 representative non-lesioned kidney cortex in control kidney and areas of inflammation (I) and fibrosis (F) in UUO kidney are displayed. Day 14 representative images of UUO kidney are shown with picrosirius red staining (bottom left). Day 14 representative images of UUO kidney from Col1a-GFP mice (bottom right).

Daniel Lichtman

Managing Partner