At BioModels, you can assess your novel therapeutics for efficacy and mechanism of action in our established chemotherapy-induced diarrhea model to address unmet clinical needs for patients. Diarrhea is one of the most common toxicities associated with chemotherapy, reported in up to 80% of patients, leading to serious physical insufficiency, and disruption of treatment. BioModels’ chemotherapy-induced diarrhea model utilizes well validated dose concentrations and schedules of common chemotherapeutic agents to reproducibly induce diarrhea of known duration and severity in rats or mice. Animals are assessed daily over the course of the study for survival and weight change. Other important readouts include endoscopy, stool consistency scoring, food and water consumption, and terminal histopathology.
Mice are treated with 5-FU via IP injection on Days 0-4 and monitored daily for 9 days. Survival is evaluated daily and reported as the group mean for each day.
Animals are weighed daily, and body weight changes as compared to Day 0 are calculated. The AUC is calculated to compare treatment arms and is shown in lower graphs. (***p<0.001;****p<0.0001).
Mice with CID are assessed daily for diarrhea development. Each animal is assigned a score on a scale of 0-4, and the group mean is shown. The AUC is calculated to compare treatment arms and is shown in the inset. (***p<0.001).
Animals with CID are assessed for colon inflammation by video endoscopy and are scored on a validated scale of 0-4. The mean group score is shown for Day 3 (left) and Day 7 (Right). (*p<0.05; **p<0.01; ***p<0.001; ****p<0.0001 compared to the Naïve control group).
Mice are treated with Irinotecan via IP injection on Days 0-3 and monitored daily for 9 days. Survival is evaluated daily and reported as the group mean for each day.
Animals are weighed daily, and body weight changes as compared to Day 0 are calculated. The AUC is calculated to compare treatment arms and is shown in lower graphs. (*p<0.05;**p<0.01;****p<0.0001).
Mice with CID are assessed daily for diarrhea development. Each animal is assigned a score on a scale of 0-4, and the group mean is shown. The AUC is calculated to compare treatment arms and is shown in the inset.
Animals with CID are assessed for colon inflammation by video endoscopy and are scored on a validated scale of 0-4. The mean group score is shown for Day 3 (left) and Day 7 (Right). (*p<0.05; **p<0.01; compared to the Naïve control group).