Acute Sepsis


The LPS acute sepsis model is routinely utilized to evaluate the sepsis phenotype of systemic inflammatory response syndrome. A hallmark of sepsis is the widespread elevation of cytokines. In rodents, lipopolysaccharide elicits a strong immune response within hours following administration. In the acute model, this response is measured by examining IL-6, TNF-α, or other cytokine concentrations in blood plasma/serum. Compounds which prevent the elevation of cytokines are predicted to be efficacious for sepsis.

  • Advantages: acute response, well-published, validated lots of LPS at BioModels.
  • Disadvantages: acute response, only hours in duration.
Model Systems
  • C57Bl/6 Mice
Standard Readouts
  • Plasma/serum cytokines
Additional Readouts
  • Peripheral blood/lymphoid organ immunophenotyping
  • Custom assays
Representative DataClick Image to Enlarge
Serum Cytokines in the Acute Sepsis Model

Blood is collected at 1hr and 4hrs post LPS administration and evaluated for a panel of cytokines including IL-6, and TNFα. (*p<0.05; **p<0.01, ***p<0.001, ****p<0.0001 as compared to vehicle control)

Daniel Lichtman

Managing Partner